Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps
“The goal of the Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps is to provide excellent professional and compassionate medical care for our community. KLVAC responds to more than 1200 ambulance calls a year with typically two ALS (Advanced Life Support) ambulances, staffed with a minimum of one paramedic and one EMT 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Our mission:
Safety: Safety in our Operations, and Safety in our Community through education and through leading by example.
Professionalism: To be viewed in the eyes of our community as professionals both on and off duty.
Caring & Compassion: Being supportive of our members, friends and neighbors through teamwork.
Advocacy: Performing in the best interests of our patients, community, our corps and its members.
Progressive: To be known as a quality organization focusing on training, mentoring best practices, and community relations.
Teamwork: Through teamwork, there is no failure. We always look forward and learn from the past."
For more information, please visit Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps