Smart Savings Scholarship

It’s never too early to start saving money. We at Dealspotr have seen, time after time, high school and college students often come up with some of the most creative and smart ways to save money — techniques and ideas which, frankly, everyone could really learn from. Our Smart Savings Scholarship is a celebration of those ideas. Every quarter, we’ll award $500 scholarships to three students around the U.S. who share with us the answer to the question: What’s the most creative way you’ve saved money?

To enter, create a short TikTok or YouTube video (less than five minutes, preferably around 2-3 minutes) to share your savings tip. Tell the world how you’ve saved money. Our editors will review every submission and we’ll select three that provide the most helpful, unique, and creative advice to each receive a $500 scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements:
- You must be enrolled in a U.S. high school, college or university.
- High school students must be over age 13, and any students under 18 must receive permission from a parent or legal guardian to enter.
- You must be a U.S. citizen.
- College students must provide a valid .edu email address with your application.
- By submitting, you give Dealspotr permission to share your tip on a blog post or other channels.

For more information on how to apply, please visit the website below.

Three $500 Awards
External Scholarships